A Spy Agency, a Time Travel Mystery, Code Breakers, and News!

A Spy Agency, a Time Travel Mystery, Code Breakers, and News!

Book cover of The Killing Code

The Killing Code by Ellie Marney

For fans of historical YA mysteries, friendship, a sapphic love story, and code breakers!

In 1943, a group of women were working as code breakers in Virginia. Among them is a young woman who was given a dead woman’s identity, which will obviously throw a wrench in things. While the women are all very different from each other, they are unified with one goal: solving a murder they suspect is a serial killer’s work. Their lives are surrounded by danger as they break codes for the war during the day and spend the rest of their time investigating, partnering with a reporter, and trying to catch a killer!

(TW date rape drug use, no assault/ murder victims raped, not on page nor detailed/ antisemitism/attempted sexual assault)

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