Book Review: Olive Passion: 101 Things to Do with Olive Oil by Carol Florence

Book Review: Olive Passion: 101 Things to Do with Olive Oil by Carol Florence

Carol Florence Expertise Olive oil The consultant is clear in her book. Passionate Olives: 101 things you can do with olive oil. Florence is called “liquid gold”. Olive oil In her book, through the family’s story and interesting facts about its history passionate olive.

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passionate olive

About Carol Florence

Carol Florence is the founder of The Passionate Olive ( She is a lifelong educator and lecturer on topics such as: taste like an expert, Interesting facts about olive oil and how to use itand Let’s talk about olive oil. She received her Olive Oil Her Sommelier certification from the Food Institute of Excellence in Tuscany and her Olive Oil Her Consultant certification from the Italian Culinary Institute of New York. For more information about Carol, check out The Passionate Olive.


overview: passionate olive

She tells us that domesticated olive trees first appeared in the Syrian region around 6000 BC.Homer called it oil liquid gold. Olive oil As important as oil is to today’s economy, it was also important to ancient economies. Olive oil It was the lifeblood of ancient Mediterranean culture.These cultures are used Olive oil As described in the writings of Apicius, it was used as a lamp for illumination, for the treatment of leprosy, for massaging the skin of elephants, for anointing kings, for performing religious ceremonies, for curing ulcers and cholera, and for cooking. de le coquinaria (About cooking) 1st century AD. Florence is a great example of the history of olive culture and the importance of olives. Olive oil In both ancient and modern civilizations.

Florence believes that the olive tree’s origins are mythical, mystical, and legendary. In one Greek legend, Athena competed with Poseidon when requested by Zeus to provide the Greeks with the most useful gifts. Athena provided the olive tree and won the contest. The olive tree was praised by God for its oil, fruit, and wood, and as a symbol of peace, wisdom, and prosperity (9). Egyptians believed that the goddess Isis taught humans how to extract oil from olives. The Romans believed that the goddess Minerva taught them the art of growing olive trees. Olive oil was also sacred to Christ, Moses, and Muhammad. It is an important element in sacred ceremonies and religious ceremonies.

Book review: passionate olive

My favorite chapter has Florence explaining ancient Rome and modern times. Olive oil Classification system and definition of the term virgin olive oil Olive oil, olive pomace oil. She also describes the initial cold pressing and cold extraction processes. The difference between filtered and unfiltered oil. Farm-sourced, blended light olive oil (which, I’ve learned, doesn’t mean it’s low in calories). and laws requiring seals of both authenticity and country of origin. She also explains the regulations and standards imposed on the. Olive oil Main producing countries: Italy, France, Spain, Greece, USA (California).

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The remaining 10 chapters provide 101 things to do in Florence. Olive oil. I can’t name them all here, but some of these “things” include the process of wetting pearls and polishing diamonds. Other uses include lubricating guns and repairing stuck zippers. Some people work on increasing good cholesterol and preventing gallstones. Many address things like removing eye makeup, treating dandruff, increasing sexual pleasure, and soothing diaper rash. Preventing cat hairballs, concocting magic potions, creating flavored oils, and of course cooking also made the list. Florence interweaves recipes from family and friends who use olive oil to maintain beauty and health.

I recommend

in Passionate Olives: 101 things you can do with olive oil Florence informs and entertains us.A work worth reading for both Olive oil Enthusiasts and beginners. There are still many things I want to try. Olive oilof course.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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