Reader Question – The mafia romance where he’s protecting a woman with amnesia…

Reader Question – The mafia romance where he’s protecting a woman with amnesia…

Janel needs our book help! Ooooh for a second there I thought maybe Raw by Belle Aurora but now I don’t think so…

She asks:

Hi Maryse,

I am looking for a book series and I hope you or your subscribers can help me. The book is probably about 10 years old at least. If I remember correctly is has some type of mafia ties, but I don’t exactly remember what.

I don’t remember the exact circumstances but a woman has amnesia and is under the protection of a man (who I believe is in the mafia). He keeps her safe and they develop a relationship, eventually falling in love. I think they get married or are going to get married because she ends up getting pregnant.

If I recall, he calls her his angel, but that is not her name. Her character is also timid and shy.

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A friend of the main character betrays him and turns his woman over to a rival mobster who abuses the girl (rape, abuse, torture). Eventually he finds her.

I believe the series is a trilogy. If not, it is at least two books.

I read it years ago with kindle unlimited and I don’t have it in my library to see who it was.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Anyone have a guess?

➔➔➔  Browse more reader questions (solved & unsolved) here. 😀 Maybe you’ll find a solved one to read or have a guess for us for one that’s still unsolved.

Have a reader question for us to solve? Send it to me here.

➔➔➔  Love this genre? Browse more mafia and/or amnesia romance on my blog.

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