9 Knockout New Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books Out November 2024

9 Knockout New Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books Out November 2024

cover of Beanie the Bansheenie by Eoin Colfer and Steve McCarthy; illustration of a small flying black creature

Beanie the Bansheenie by Eoin Colfer and Steve McCarthy (Candlewick, November 12, 2024)

This is an utterly gorgeous 64-page story book about Irish folklore from the imagination behind Artemis Fowl! A banshee is a harbinger of doom, a supernatural spirit that attaches itself to a person when they are born and who gives off a terrible howl when that person’s death is near. But Beanie is a baby banshee, a bansheenie, who changes her fate when she decides to assist Rose and her family instead of waiting for Rose’s final moments to make herself known. It is a sweet story of love, folklore, and fate, with some of the most amazing illustrations I’ve seen.

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