Reader Question – The book where her boyfriend is in a band and disappears on her, and later becomes hugely famous…

Reader Question – The book where her boyfriend is in a band and disappears on her, and later becomes hugely famous…

Lee needs our book help! Annnnnd whoa! This guy sounds like a grade-A JERK!!!!! I don’t know that he’s even redeemable, and by the end of her question, I still have no clue how it ends.

Do you?

She asks:

Rockstar, second chance but with a twist. This book is probably about 15 years old.

It starts in high school and there are a group of friends in a band and the MFC is dating the lead singer who’s the MMC.

Shortly before she is to leave for college, he leaves town (small town in Vermont) and no one can find him. Some months later he has a hit song on the radio and it’s a song from the band and he goes on to be a world wide sensation and he blocks the band members from getting any credit or money from the songs he stole.

About 10 years later he shows back up in their hometown and she goes back to see him and confront him.

They are still drawn to each other but he has changed.

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➔➔➔  Love this genre? Browse more rock star romance and/or secret baby features and reviews on my blog. 😀

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